Friday, April 16, 2010

Kingdom-Con Day 1

So Micah and I recently got back from the first day of kingdom-con. Quite the event if I do say so myself. After getting there at10.30 and registering for the 25pt Mangled Metal + 1 solo tournament, we proceed to play a quick game to earn some tickets for the amazing prizes they have (including signed artwork from Privateer, battleboxes for each of the 4 major factions of hordes and warmachine, and random models from hordes/wm/monsterpocalypse). I was thinking of going to try and get 50 tickets to get some of the signed artwork, but it takes a lot of games to get that many tickets, and the tournaments take a lot of time from eternal war. Thinking of the tournaments, Micah and I both went 2-2. It was a lot of fun. I ended up facing Tony (aka Killionaire from the PP forums) and lost to him playing Siege. I then proceeded to beat Garryth on scenario with eDenny, as well as pButcher by assassination with pGoreshade (with very lucky rolls, but if I had played smart, I wouldn't have needed the lucky rolls), and lost to pGaspy with pGoreshade. 2 freaking damage points and I would have gotten 4th overall... *shrug* oh well. It's still not enough to get me to the top table, but I'm hoping that everybody else wears themself out at midnight madness tonight. That way my chances of winning more during the 50 pt takedown lists will be higher tomorrow. At least, that's my reasoning. We'll see how it works out tomorrow. Anyways, I'll let Micah tell about his part later.

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