The only special thing I did was bend a paperclip to serve as a frame for all the GS instead of just throwing it all into a big ol' hole. After I had a frame, I put on a thin layer of GS and let that dry before I added more and sculpted into that stuff. Anyways, here's what I've got so far.
I'm really happy with the colors on the tree stump and on the cloak, so I'll actually share how I painted that.
The stump was actually really easy. I basecoated it in GW foundation Khemri Brown, then washed it all with Devlan Mud. The ringed portion I highlighted with Bleached Bone, then washed with Gryphonne Sepia. The bark was highlighted back up to Khemri Brown, and another lighter highlight was done by adding in a little Bleached Bone.
The cloak was done with 90:10 Foundation Mechrite Red:Chaos Black. Then I did the first highlight with plain Mechrite Red, with lots of water and matte medium mixed in (not real scientific there). These highlights were built up over a few layers just to try and make use of the transparency of the mixing medium. Then I did the same thing, but with a dab of Foundation Macharius Solar Orange added to the Mechrite Red, still using lots of matte medium & water. Then a final highlight was added in a few places just with Foundation Iyandan Darksun + Mechrite Red + Macharius Solar Orange.
Hope the paint recipes are at least mildly interesting. I also have pics of the sculpting before priming if anybody is interested.
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