First up, a 35 pt quick game against NerevarRising and his pVlad list.
So here are the lists:
My Gaspy3 35 pt list:
Points: 35/35
Asphyxious the Hellbringer (*4pts)
* Vociferon (0pts)
* Cankerworm (5pts)
* Kraken (19pts)
Satyxis Raiders (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Satyxis Raider Sea
Witch (2pts)
Necrotech & 1 Scrap Thrall (1pts)
Satyxis Raider Captain (2pts)
Warwitch Siren (2pts)
NerevarRising’s pVlad 35 pt list:
Points: 35/35
Vladimir, The Dark Prince (*5pts)
* Drago (8pts)
* Spriggan (10pts)
Great Bears of Gallowswood (5pts)
Winter Guard Rifle Corps (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist (2pts)
Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich (2pts)
Man-o-war Drakhun (with dismount) (5pts)
So we played on the Shattered City2 map, and the scenario rolled was Process of Elimination. I win the roll, and choose to go first. I deployed to try and take advantage of the obstacle in the middle, but I probably should have focused my Satyxis more on his jacks in the deployment, and then later in the game.
My turn, top of round 1:
1 focus to the Kraken, and off to the races. Satyxis Raiders move up, Gaspy casts
scything touch on the Kraken, mobility, and moves up to cast Ashen Veil on the
Raiders. The Kraken then runs to be on
the front edge of the forest, while vociferon hangs out with him. The Siren and Scrap Thrall run up the other
side, and Canker walks into some rough terrain. The Captain runs behind the Raiders.
His turn, bottom of round 1:
Vlad activates, casts Blood of Kings, Windwall, and
walks forward to toe into the forest.
Drago runs up, and the Spriggan walks in behind him. Then the Drakhun and Great Bears run up as
well. Riflemen walk up and make a huge
covering fire, then Joe toughs them.
Gorman runs up the left flank towards the Cankerworm.
My turn, top of round 2:
Upkeep Ashen Veil, 2 focus to the Kraken and 1 to
Canker. Raider Captain walks up behind
the obstacle and gives Desperate Pace to Raiders. Gaspy walks up and sits on 3, then Canker walks up and boosts his
P+S 13 attack and hits, but snake-eyes on damage to leave Gorman at 2. His bite attack misses the 7, so he just
backs off and hopes that Gorman will die.
I get a charge onto Gorman, one Rifleman, Drago and the Drakhun, and the
rest run to engage. I kill one Riflemen
and Gorman between the 4 attacks that I have over there, but don’t hurt the
Drakhun at all. The one on Drago gets
the crit KD, for 2 damage. Vociferon
runs to hide behind the obstacle as
well, then the Kraken walks up and shoots the big gun at Kolsk (or whoever
gives steady), and hits with a boost. I
force a tough on the direct hit dude, which he passes, and boost damage on the
other front one (relentless charge?) for no damage at dice-9. Necrotech runs up and does nothing while the
Siren moves up. The Scrap thrall also
runs up the edge.
His turn, bottom of round 2:
3 Focus to Drago, who shakes the KD. Vlad feats and casts Blood of Kings before
walking over to kill a Satyxis tying up some Riflemen. He’s Vlad, so can’t really miss, and splats
her dead, then casts Windwall with Blood Boon.
I totally forgot he had this! Anyways,
Joe then walks up and tries to shoot a Satyxis, but misses. Then he yells at the Riflemen to shoot
better. His riflemen then advance,
giving me 2 free strikes, who both end up dead. The rest of his dudes shoot at Satyxis, needing 13’s to hit on 3
dice. They end up killing 1 Raider and
taking the Sea Witch down to 1. The
bears then run/charge at Satyxis, needing 8’s to hit, and kills the 2 of them
thanks to backswing. Spriggan runs
around and between the Bears. He was
hoping to bulldoze the Satyxis out of Drago’s way, but couldn’t fit between
Drago and the Drakhun. Drago then kills
the Satyxis in the way, and the Drakhun charges the Sea Witch, but misses the 6
to hit!
My turn, top of round 3:
3 focus to the Kraken, 1 to the Canker, and upkeep Ashen
Veil. Easy stuff first, so the Scrap
Thrall runs to be as close to the Riflemen as possible. The Siren then walks up and sprays at him,
hitting him and 2 Riflemen and killing all of them. The exploding Scrap only catches one more Riflemen, but he fails
to crack the ARM. The Satyxis Captain
charges Kolsk and kills him, then sprints back behind the obstacle after he
fails his tough. Satyxis pop minifeat
and charge the Drakhun, Joe, and some Winterguard. They kill Joe, 2 Riflemen, and fail to even damage the
Drakhun. Gaspy then casts Scything
Touch, forgets to feat, and toes in the forest. Vociferon then runs up, and the Kraken charges the Spriggan and
does 14 damage at dice+1! He takes his
other initial on the Great Bear nearest him and kills him as well to power up
to P+S 21. Then he killshots the other
Great Bear in the back, but he toughs this out. 2 more bought swings on the Spriggan deal 5 and 11 damage,
leaving it on 4 boxes. Necrotech runs
behind the Kraken. Cankerworm then runs
to maybe get a charge next turn on Vlad.
His turn, bottom of round 3:
3 focus to Drago, and Vlad sits on 4. Remaining Great Bear forfeits action to
stand up and moves to engage Vociferon.
Spriggan then moves out of the charge lanes of Vlad and Drago, and does
3 damage to the Kraken. Drago then
charges for free to deal 8, 5, 4 (chain attack), 7, 8, and 9 damage to the
Kraken. Winterguard charge, and fail to
kill any Satyxis. Vlad casts Blood of
Kings, then charges the Kraken and does 8 damage, leaving it with 8 boxes
left. The Drakhun then takes 3 free
strikes to walk on over to the Kraken.
2 Crits and 2 damage later and rolls 8 damage exactly to kill the
Kraken. Somebody mentioned in my next
game that I’ve been playing the Kraken with 2 extra boxes, so he would have
only needed 11’s to kill instead of 13.
Very sad though. Also sad that I
forgot to pop my feat :p.
My turn, top of round 4:
K, well, have to go for the kill because there’s no way I
can do it in later turns or win on scenario.
Odds are long to kill a DEF 18 ARM 18 caster, but we’ll see. So I drop Ashen Veil and keep 7 focus. Siren walks up and sprays at Riflemen, but
Vlad is just out of the template. Both
Riflemen die and the Satyxis are freed up.
Satyxis Captain goes for the crit KD needing 10’s to hit, but crits on
3’s. Satyxis then walk up behind Vlad,
and 2 are in range for a CMA, needing 8’s to hit. They hit, but no crit or damage.
Cankerworm doubletimes just because.
Gaspy then casts Carnage and Mobility, boosts the attack, but rolls 4
for damage at dice-2. Then I pop feat
and try and minimize the damage.
Vociferon runs to try and block the charge from the great bear, while
the necrotech runs up to try and block movement from Vlad forward, but can’t
get far enough to close the lane off.

His turn, bottom of round 4:
Vlad casts BoK (1 soul) and walks up to Gaspy. Turns out, he has parry! Talk about stupid
things that he doesn’t need :p. He hits
and boosts damage (2 souls) and rolls 9 damage. His little sword misses, so he buys another attack (3 souls and
heal 1 dmg) and boosts damage (4 souls and heal 3 dmg) for another 9. Drakhun then goes and hits with his MAT 8
and rolls 5 damage to kill me with one damage to spare.
So I may have been super bitchy about dice during this game, but there were
definitely some things that I could have done a lot better. To start, Satyxis should have been charging
his jacks with Scything Touch to deal a bunch of damage to Vlad early, and to
tie his dudes up. Then a mobilitied
Kraken could have ripped through all his riflemen. Another big thing is to not forget my feat on turns that I commit
the Kraken. That was just plain
dumb. Finally, a better last ditch
thing would have just been to upkeep Ashen Veil on the Raiders, run them in to
engage and give –2 to his living models against a camped/feated Gaspy. Then I would have been DEF 17 to Vlad’s MAT
10, and ARM 23 to his P+S 16, giving me much better odds of survival. Anyways, lots of stupid things that could be
done better. Probably most important is
not using Satyxis Raiders to their fullest.
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