Sunday, October 30, 2011

Harlen Versh!

So I've had a hard time finding Harlen Versh. He's just never in stock in most stores, much like epic Eiryss. However, Game Empire in Pasadena just got in a new shipment of privateer models, including Harlan Versh and the last blister of Kayazy that I needed. Granted, the only reason I knew about that was showing up for a 2-list character limited 50 pt Steamroller last weekend. Tournament went okay, but I made game-ending mistakes in my last 2 games, walking forward for no good reason and dieing and stuff. *shrug* I really have to get into practice with my Cryx again because I don't have the Merc collection to run what I want with the character restrictions.

Anyways, enough with the rambling. I managed to get Versh painted up in about 2 or 3 hours or so, which is pretty fast for me. I used the zenithal priming technique on him, and pretty happy with how it's helped.

I'm not too happy with the face, but I'm usually not, so that could be worse. This is after all the varnishing, but I'm not sure why he's still so shiny since I put on 2 coats of matte varnish after the gloss varnish. Hopefully it gets better as time goes on.

Finally, an update/scale picture on one of the Wraith Engines. Harlen Versh is going to have a hard time killing that monster of a model by himself.

I should hopefully have some good progress on Terminus to post later this week. I think I'm finally satisfied with his armor, so I just have to finish up everything on his lower body before gluing him to the base.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Yes, I'm "that guy"

So it's been a while since I've updated. Been a bit busy, but I've still been painting up my Mercs and such, but just too lazy to take pictures. But this post isn't about Mercs, it's about Cryx. I've been trying to focus on Mercs, but it's hard to stay away from Cryx. So I randomly was checking out ebay for Wraith Engines after reading some of Zerosoul's thoughts on them over on Focus and Fury. Lo and behold, I found 2 for $53 each. So yeah, bought both and have assembled one. I'll be proxying the second until I decide if I really want it or not. If not, I can still sell it for cheap :p.

Anyways, here are pics of what I've got on my assembled Wraith Engine. He still needs some cleaning up and gap filling. This was probably the worst PP model I've ever dealt with in terms of the amount of cleanup and such I had to do. Probably another reason why I won't be assembling the second anytime soon.

So if I can get a decent paint job on this guy, he'll be partially incorporeal from where he's going through the "rocks". I'll probably try and put some other interesting stuff on the base as well, so who knows.